The focus of this website is on practice, not theory.
However, some foundational elements of theory are crucial also for practice. As would be immediately evident from the results of someone attempting to fly based on Aristotelian physics, "There's nothing more practical than a good theory" (Kurt Lewin).
This is why this website will briefly explain the basic elements of economic science and of the science of freedom which are indispensable to understand privacy and the problems Bitcoin was designed to overcome.
As we shall see, by excluding any privilege (e.g. among nodes) and by relying on absolute scarcity (fixed and immutable quantity of coins) Bitcoin carries coded in its protocol the entire non-arbitrary theory of freedom and economics.
The focus of these writings is on conciseness: I will explain in the simplest way I can only what is strictly necessary to understand the reasons for privacy and Bitcoin.
Learning something without understanding its 'why' reduces motivation and steepens the learning curve.
Those interested in a deeper understanding of these topics should study the works of libertarians and economists of the Austrian School (which does take time).